
Sleep cool & boost your brain, work & strength

Sleep cool & boost your brain, work & strength

Can’t get good sleep? Check out how sleeping at a cooler temperature doubled my deep sleep, the stage of sleep scientists believe protects us from Alzheimer’s.

Efficient exercise

Efficient exercise

Want to exercise but don't have the time? What if someone said you could get in your daily workout and 15 hours of hyperbaric oxygen treatments all in 15 minutes? That's the promise made by LiveO2, which I tested out at last weekend's Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Pasadena. 

Working to death has a name

Working to death has a name

A Japanese government report says that 1 in 5 of Japanese workers are in danger of karoshi or 'death by overwork' and point to the death of a 31-year-old TV broadcaster who worked 160 hours of overtime as a case in point. Think it can't happen here? Think again. The same report says that 16% of Americans and 12% of Brits are also at risk.